Before Alignment of the telescope must first be accurately set the time and position.Scope Friend uses the GPS function and Bluetooth to both the exact time and the position of the telescope hand controller to transmit and shows how large the differences are.Requirement:- Currently only Skywatcher and Celestron NexStar telescopes Synscan (Scope Friend 1. *)- Bluetooth retrofit for your telescope under Android device with Bluetooth (BT SPP) functionality- Activation of the position service on your deviceBefore it can go off:A) telescope (with Bluetooth function) switch.B) If necessary, (Alt-Az mode select - at Skywatcher AZ-EQ Mounts)C) turn on the Android device Bluetooth and location servicesD) The Bluetooth telescope ideally earlier "couple"Step by step guide:1) Scope Friend Start2) Bluetooth button Press the top right and choose the appropriate device3) -> time and position of the telescope continuously queried and displayed. You now have the option to synchronize the time. "Airtime" - Button4) Click in the upper right position button above right5) -> After a short time the position of the device and the deviation to the position data of the telescope should appear.6) "Position Send" you can transmit the coordinates of your location to the telescope7) all went well shows Scope Friend that syncing worked-> Now you can normally continue with the alignment. Place and time are displayed in the hand controller as before, can easily be confirmed with OK.## Note for SynScan V3.35 ##You should enter a date and time in the controller only (some). Only when the controller asks "Begin Alignment? 1) Yes 2) No" should send the data. Before they are discarded by the bus.